Free Printable Sun Templates
If you are looking for printable sun templates, then you are in the right spot! These printable suns are perfect for decorating and crafts.
There are so many different ways to use these suns. You could cut them out, use them for tracing, or just color them.
Suns are such a fun shape, but drawing the perfect sun can be difficult. With these printables, you won’t have to worry about drawing suns.
I made over twenty free sun printables that I have included below.

Printable Sun Templates
In this post, you will find the entire collection of sun templates. Since there are so many different shapes for suns, I have included three different styles to choose from.
With each of these designs, there are different-sized suns to choose from. I also included a few orange and yellow suns.
I hope that you enjoy all these sun printables and you find the perfect ones to print. Feel free to let me know if something is missing that you would like to see!
Feel free to check out our other shapes like our moon templates and our stars templates.
Large 7.5” Printable Sun Template
If you need a basic one-page sun then you will love this print. It includes an easy-to-cut 7.5” sun that covers a full sheet of paper.

Printable Orange and Yellow Sun
This is the same template as the one above, but it’s colored yellow and orange.
Printable Orange and Yellow Sun

Medium 4.5” Printable Sun
This printable includes two 4.5” suns.

Small 3.5” Printable Suns
There are three 3.5” suns included on this printable.

Small 2.5″ Printable Sun Template
This printable includes six 2.5” suns.

1.5” Extra Small Sun Templates
These are the smallest suns out of all the printables. This page includes 16 suns to print.

Large Printable Sun Shape
This is the same design as the suns above. I thought that it would be convenient to design it on two pieces of paper.
You could print each of the pages onto different colored paper, cut them out, and then tape them together. This would be fun for decorating!

Different Sized Sun Outlines
This printable includes a mix of different-sized suns. This one would be perfect to use as a coloring page.

Large 7.5” Printable Sun
This is the second style of sun that I included. While this one would be harder to cut out, I thought that it was super cute. It would be great for coloring.

Large Printable Yellow Sun
This page has a printable yellow sun that is 7.5 inches.

7.5″ Large Sun Shape
This is the other style of sun that I included. It’s so cute, and it would also be fairly easy to cut out. It is 7.5” and covers one sheet of paper.

Medium 4.5” Printable Sun Shapes
This page includes two 4.5” suns.

Small 3.5” Sun Shapes
There are three 3.5” suns on this printable.

Extra Small 2.5” Sun Shapes
There are six 2.5” suns on this printable.

Large 7.5” Printable Sun
This sun design has larger rays. This 7.5” sun covers one standard size of paper.

Orange and Yellow Printable Sun
This is the same printable as above, but it’s colored yellow and orange.
Orange and Yellow Printable Sun

Medium 4.5” Printable Suns
There are two 4.5” printable suns included on this page.

Small 3.5” Printable Suns
This printable includes three 3.5” suns.

Extra Small 2.5” Printable Suns
There are nine 2.5” suns on this page.

I hope that these printable sun templates are just what you need for all your decorating and craft projects!