Free Printable Octagon Templates
Use these free printable octagon templates for your crafts and DIY projects. Below you will find octagon outlines in eight different sizes.
There are so many things that you could make with these octagon printables. You could use them for crafts, stickers, quilts, or to make tags and signs. You could even just use them for coloring sheets.
Octagons are such a popular shape for craft projects, but they are not always the easiest to draw. To help you out, I made these octagon templates that you can print out. You could even print them onto thick cardstock and then cut them out to make your own tracing templates.
I have included many different sizes below so that you could find the one that works best for you.
Printable Octagon Templates
Below you will find ten downloadable free pdf printable octagon templates. They are made to be printed on standard 8.5” x 11” paper.
The printables start with the largest shape first, then keep getting smaller as you go down the post.
The last two templates at the very bottom of this page include a mix of different-sized octagons on one printable.
I hope that these printables help you to find the perfect-sized octagons!
Feel free to check out our other shapes like our triangle templates and our rectangle templates.
Large Printable Octagon Shape (7.5”)
This is the largest of all the octagons. This printable includes a 7.5” octagon on one sheet of paper.
5” Octagon Printable
This printable has two 5” octagons. These are great if you need octagons that aren’t quite as big.
4” Octagon Outlines
This printable includes a total of three 4” octagon shapes. If you are not sure what size shape you need for your project this one would be a great one to start with.
3.5” Octagon Shape Printable
This printable has a total of four 3.5” octagons on one page.
3” Octagons
This octagon printable includes six shapes that are 3” on one page. These are just a bit smaller than the ones above.
2.5” Octagon Template
This template includes eight octagons that are 2.5” in size.
2” Octagon Shapes
Here are twelve 2” octagons on this printable. If you need lots of smaller octagons this will be the perfect one for you.
1.5” Octagon Templates
These are the smallest octagons out of all the printables. This page includes twenty 1.5” octagons.
Large/Medium Octagon Templates
This printable includes a mix of large and medium octagons.
Medium/Small Octagon Template
If you need a mix of larger multi-sized octagons then this is the perfect one for you. This printable would also be fun to use as a coloring sheet.
I hope that these printable octagon templates are just what you need for your projects!